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By Dr. Richard J. Krejcir
CHARTING YOUR PATH "Learning to use the Chart"

This is the step where you keep track of what you learn.

Teachers Study: "The Response of us, the Church"(Judges 6:1-6)

The question is how do we respond to the call of the church, and the walk of our faith? The people of Israel when occupied after Joshua's death hid in caves, because they forgot they were the people of God, and forgot the power of their God. Since they forgot God, they disobeyed their covenant and did evil. So an invading army took over their land, with one of the most graphic descriptions in the Bible. They neglected their responsibility and then suffered the consequence. Not because of a vengeful God, but because they did not follow God's instructions on how to build their country. So they were unable to defend it, and most important to rely and trust on their God, and not themselves and false idols.

So God sends them a prophet, and tells the people of Israel not to fear, but to trust in the Lord. He reminds them where they came from and how their God brought them out of Egypt, and out of slavery into a land filled with homes, farm lands, orchards, vineyards, and even cities ready for them to move in to. Their only call was to respond out of gratitude, trust, and honor, and obey the Lord their God. The people needed to wake up and see their situation and the history that brought them there. That the fear they have for the Midians is misplaced, and they need to fear the Lord. A fear of respect and judgment, if they do not yield to the obedience of the Lord.

We need to be careful that we do not forget who we are, and what God calls us to do. We should take heed from this passage and to the situation in the church. That hiding in cave or sitting in pews in fear of what ever it may be is not the obedience that Christ paid for. Until an angel came to him, Gideon was hiding his wheat in a winepress so the invading armies could not find it. This Angel gave him his orders to be a warrior, but Gideon gave all kinds of objections and excuses why he could not under take the call. We too give God all kinds of excuses why we cannot do it, and as God was patient with Gideon, He is also patient with us. But nevertheless we have the call and the ability to respond; this is what we must do.

God does not promise us peace, wealth and prosperity, this is not found in scripture, only in the minds of false teachers. What God does promise us is Himself. God's promise is His presence and His power; our peace and prosperity will come in the life after. We have the ability to succeed and overcome if only we obey and respond to Him. When we really believe that God is with us, then the church will become reverent, and the reason to go will be powerful and compelling. We need to get over our fears of what may happen, and respond to build a church, so people do want to come to it. God does not call us to be the church of obnoxiousness, but the church militant. That is we are called to care and love with passion and fervor, not a church of cowards who does nothing but cause strife.

We cannot compromise our values and teaching because we are afraid to offend. And we cannot practice the truth without love and care. We are not to be the offenders, only the gospel may offend. Our job is to show the courage of the Alamo, and the battle cry of Gideon. Just as Gideon woke up to his situation and call, so must we. For us to succeed, we must respond to the glory of our Lord, put off the fear, and put on the courage to serve. Remember Jesus Himself tells us to fear not numerous times in scripture, and it is always an imperative, that is a command! (Excerpt from the book, "Pew Sitting" by Richard J. Krejcir)


Go over these 4 "calls" that show of the necessity of Evangelism Missions, and outreach:

1. People are "sick" and infected with sin. This means we are all are separated from God and this leads to death (Rom. 3:23).

2. God wants everyone to be saved, but not every one will be (John 3:16).

3. God works through us, the ordinary Christian, to help others (Matt. 28:18-20).

4. Each person must make a decision of faith, which is first empowered by the Spirit (Gal. 4:6; Rom. 8:14-27).


Break out those maps or, better yet, get some to exotic locations, perhaps from AAA, a "Rand McNally" store, or the Internet.

§ Ask the students to plan a dream trip to any location.

§ Where would it be?

§ Why did you choose that place?

§ What do you think you need for it?

Lesson "STEP VII:" CHARTING YOUR PATH "Learning to use the Chart"

This is the step where you keep track of what you learn. Pastors get better at preaching and teaching not just by practice and study, but also by going over what they taught in the past. Playing their tapes, re-reading, and reviewing their studies. They can see where they have been to go further ahead. It also acts as an archive of learning, a database of what we have learned that we can draw from.

By writing it down in an organized fashion, God's Word will become more clear and crisp. We are able to record what God says to us, this way we will be able to take more ownership and then greater transformation. We will be able to look back and see and remember what we have discovered. It will make us better disciples, children of God, and teachers of the Word. It will show you how to apply the principles to your life and others! And of course be able to remember more!

We then can look back and see God at work in our lives and will be a great encouragement in times of struggle, and in times of joy. You can review a passage you did in the past and see how you have learned and grown, and quickly brush up on passages that you are being taught from others.


§ This is where you write down what you learn from the previous steps.

§ It will allow you to see a whole book at a glance.

§ It will allow you to reach and remember what you learn much, much faster and better.

§ It will reveal the theme of a chapter or paragraph just at a glance.


1ST: "Chapter and paragraph titles."

2nd: "Observation:" "What does it say?"

3rd: "Observation:" "What does it mean?" Ask what are the implications.

4th: "Application:" "How does it apply to my life?" This is where we use Steps V & VI.


Choose a short book like Philemon or Jude and go through it together or in small groups, and try to chart the whole book. It may be rough and rushed, but they may learn how to get started on it!

1ST: "Chapter and paragraph titles." This is were you can summarize chapters and whole books in your own words or paraphrase a verse(s). You can create an outline of the passage by making your own tittles for paragraphs and insights. STEPS I and II come into play here!

§ Develop your own chapter and paragraph titles.

§ Be creative. Try harder.

§ Be sure it describes the passage and relates to it!

§ Do not be too general.

§ Keep them short so they are easy to remember.

Use your individual unique way of expressing yourself.

2nd: "Observation:" "What does it say?" This is where you use STEP III, and write your observations.

§ Bible Statements.

§ Who, What, Where, When, How, and Why.

3rd: "Observation:" "What does it mean?" This is where you use STEPS IIIB & IV.

§ Ask what are the implications.

§ Ask your questions here!

4th: "Application:" "How does it apply to my life?" This is where we use Steps V & VI.

§ How does it apply to my life?

§ How can I implement God's Word into my life?

§ What will I do with this information?

§ When will I do it?

"OTHER INFORMATION" This is where you can write down your prayers and doodles.

Remember to Pray!!!


§ Pray, pray, pray! Be continuously in prayer as you read His Word.

§ Ask questions.

§ Use all the previous six-(6) steps when applicable.

§ Then write it down. Do not want to use this book chart, then keep a diary or notebook.

Do not hesitate to record other useful information, especially your prayers!!


§ Study the chapters and paragraphs first!!!

§ Then write your outline. You can do this by assigning names for the paragraphs. Use steps I through VI.


· What did you find your application to be?

· How can you do it?

"Going Deep:"

Break into groups of two and share with each other what you have learned in this series, and what you hope to gain in the future.

Or practice "solitude."

© 2000, Rev. Richard .J. Krejcir Ph.D. Discipleship Tools
Into Thy Word ÃÆ'Ã'¯Ã'Ã'¿Ã'Ã'½ 1978-2016