Bible Reading Guides

Reading the Bible through in a year...
This takes less time than you would spend watching one half-hour sitcom of TV each day or playing a half dozen songs on your MP3 player.
You can read the entire Bible in a year in about 20 minutes a day! Is a little TV more important than God in your life? How much of your life will the One who created and saved you get?
If you want to develop your faith as a Christian, then you must set aside time for prayer and reading the Bible. Yet, so few of us do so! You must ask the question, “what gets in the way of my time with God?” How much does TV, over working, or hanging with friends take of you and your time?
God’s Enduring Word!

Is the power and love of God enduring in you? Is your Christian life having results to it? The word “therefore” is referring to the results, conclusions, or applications that are to be in our lives from the reasons given.

How to have a Devotional Time

How can I develop quality time with our Lord so I can become a deeper and more mature Christian?
Building Bible Study Skills

The more you expose yourself to the Bible, the more God will expose Himself to you! This curriculum is designed to help you develop the essential basic Bible Study Skills necessary to grow deeper in the faith.

Bible Reading Plans

Bible Reading for New Christians

Thirty-one Days to Know God’s Plan for Us. This plan is a general overview of God’s encounter with humanity, our responses to Him, and how He gives us Hope, Salvation, and an Eternal Future.

Beginning Bible Reading Plan

This is an excellent Bible Reading plan to start out with, or use to refresh yourselves in Him. In just a few minutes a day for a month, you will be stronger in your faith and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

The 90-Day Experience

To know the Word and to live by it, you will need to take daily time to read the Bible. To develop a habit of Bible reading, it is best to have a consistent time and place.
Into Thy Word Bible Reading Guide
Perhaps best Bible Reading Plan! With this Bible Reading guide, you can go though the entire Bible verse by verse and Book by Book in one year. You also may start this plan any time and progress at your pace too.
Literature Style Bible Plan!
This is our most popular Bible plan! Here is a Bible reading plan that is set up for you to go through the Bible in a year but with a twist; it divides up your reading into the main types of Genres (literature) such as Gospels, Law, Narrative (History), Psalms, Poetry, Prophecy, and Epistles! That way, you can go though the entire Bible by reading the different Genre types. This is a unique plan that will help keep your pace up and prevent you from losing interest and giving up!
Bible Reading Record
Here you can record your Bible reading progress!       More “Bible Reading Plans

  Word format Bible Reading Plans

The more you expose yourself to the Bible, the more God will expose Himself to you!
Our first and perhaps best Bible Reading Plan!
Bible in Chronological Order
Chronological Bible Plan

Our Bible Charts in Document form, many on just one printable page!

(Genres (literature) Style, our most popular Bible Plan!)

Bible Reading New to Faith

Bible Reading Record

PDF Bible Reading Plan

Bible Reading Plan featuring a daily schedule to help you to read through the Bible with ease.

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PDF format Bible Reading Plans
Our first and perhaps best Bible Reading Plan!
Keep track of your Bible reading:
Historical linier timeline
Order, as they were written
Our Bible Plans in Document form, many on just one printable page!
Bible Reading Plan featuring a daily schedule to help you to read through the Bible with ease.
(Genres (literature) Style, our most popular Bible Plan!)
Here is an Excel Bible Plan
To know the Word and to live by it, you will need to take daily time to read the Bible. To develop a habit of Bible reading, it is best to have a consistent time and place.

One Year Bible Reading Bibles that we recommend:

The One Year Bible New International...
The One Year Bible for Kids : Greatest..
Into Thy Word ÃÆ'Ã'¯Ã'Ã'¿Ã'Ã'½ 1978-2016