THE CHARTHere is the Bible Reading Chart for using the Inductive Bible Study method. Here you can write down and record all of your observations, what your have learned, your questions, and even make a commitment on what you will do with the information from God's most precious Word! (8/4/2007) |
The Call of MentoringWhy would and should a more experienced and mature Christian walk alongside new and less mature Christians? Because, we are called to be imitators of Christ. (1/30/2008) |
Talking your Way out of ConflictThis is a basic step by step biblical process to solve conflict personally or in a church. The essential key to solving disagreements is this; ask, "How can I honor, glorify and please Christ as Lord in this situation?" (1/2/2008) |
We are Called to Emulate Christian Virtues!Fruit of the Spirit, Part XIII
The sad fact is that the average Christian does not make the Fruit of the Spirit a priority in his/her life; this should cause us intense concern. And, even worse off are our leaders! (10/20/2009) |
True worshipUnderstanding Worship Part II
"At the Name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." (Philippians 2:10-11) (10/16/2007) |