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Equipping Christians and Ministry Leaders to Grow in Christ!
It is our VISION and call, and commitment to point the church back onto the path of making disciples. It is our passion and directive to lead Christians away from our false perceptions and into His way.
We desire to see a church committed to His purpose and poured out to His ways. Then we will see revival through real prayer and devotion to His Lordship.
Scripture of the Day


Discipleship Resources Discipleship Curriculum Discipleship Topics
Bible Reading Character God's Will
Recovery Devotions Bible Memory
Small Groups Fruitful Living Leadership

Discipleship Curriculum
Forgiveness Part V
Forgiveness is Complete (11/14/2007)

Be Encouraged to do Scripture Memory Part 3
What Stops you from being a Doer of the Word! God's Word is the seed that is implanted in us to grow our faith and make our life impacting and worthwhile. (6/11/2009)

Suffering Hurts!
How to Handle Sufferings Part III What We can Do when People and Life Seem to Come Against Us! Are you being harassed, gossiped about, slandered, or mistreated? If not, it will come. We are called to prepare for it and even seek reconciliation if possible, lest it get worse. At the same time, we are called to remain firm in Christ, operating in His Fruit, and not let the misdeeds of others get the best of us. Yes, this is hard-very hard at times-but we can do it-and do it with excellence! When we operate in His love to others who are mean and hurt us, we are... (8/16/2007)

Maturity is to know that our need is to be in Christ, and not to be to ourselves! (1/2/2008)

Fruit of the Spirit is Joy
Joy will allow us to enjoy my relationship with Christ, His creation, others, and our circumstances with an expression of delight and real, authentic happiness from and with harmony with God and others. (8/3/2007)

The Battle over Prayer
Prayer is not just about what our own needs are. It is about putting our lives and experiences in Him, sharing our days and lives, both in times of urgency and times of happiness, and bringing others to our thoughts and into our prayers. Continual and effective prayer will build our relationship with God. We will realize that... (9/4/2007)


Buy NOW , The New Exodus
Why People Leave the Church and How to Invite Them Back
..this is the Book originally called "Pew-Sitting," as some of you were asking about, when it will be ready. here it is!
The New Exodus Paperback   The New Exodus E Book   more E Books

Christianity without Discipleship is always Christianity without Christ!

We are here to help equip and encourage you to grow deeper in your walk with Christ and impact others around you.

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Into Thy Word ÃÆ'Ã'¯Ã'Ã'¿Ã'Ã'½ 1978-2016