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49 Commands of Christ

By ITW Staff
What are 49 Ways to Love God and Others? The theme of all Scripture is to love God with all of our hearts and to love one another. (See Matthew 22:40 and John 13:34.)
What are 49 Ways to Love God and Others?

The theme of all Scripture is to love God with all of our hearts and to love one another.


(Read Matthew 22:40 and John 13:34.)

1. Repent-Matthew 4:17 Humility

2. Follow Me-Matthew 4:19 Meekness

3. Rejoice-Matthew 5:12 Joyfulness

4. Let Your Light Shine-Matthew 5:16 Generosity

5. Honor God's Law-Matthew 5:17-18 Love

6. Be Reconciled-Matthew 5:24-25 Responsibility

7. Do Not Commit Adultery-Matthew 5:29-30 Self-Control

8. Keep Your Word-Matthew 5:37 Truthfulness

9. Go the Second Mile-Matthew 5:38-42 Deference

10. Love Your Enemies-Matthew 5:44 Creativity

11. Be Perfect-Matthew 5:48 Sincerity

12. Practice Secret Disciplines-Matthew 6:1-18 Faith

13. Lay Up Treasures-Matthew 6:19-21 Thriftiness

14. Seek God's Kingdom-Matthew 6:33 Initiative

15. Judge Not-Matthew 7:1 Discernment

16. Do Not Cast Pearls-Matthew 7:6 Discretion

17. Ask, Seek, and Knock-Matthew 7:7-8 Resourcefulness

18. Do Unto Others-Matthew 7:12 Sensitivity

19. Choose the Narrow Way-Matthew 7:13-14 Decisiveness

20. Beware of False Prophets-Matthew 7:15 Alertness

21. Pray For Laborers-Matthew 9:38 Compassion

22. Be Wise as Serpents-Matthew 10:16 Wisdom

23. Fear Not-Matthew 10:26 Boldness

24. Hear God's Voice-Matthew 11:15 Attentiveness

25. Take My Yoke-Matthew 11:29 Obedience

26. Honor Your Parents-Matthew 15:4 Honor/Reverence

27. Beware of Leaven-Matthew 16:6  Virtue

28. Deny Yourself-Luke 9:23 Determination

29. Despise Not Little Ones-Matthew 18:10 Tolerance

30. Go To Offenders-Matthew 18:15 Justice

31. Beware of Covetousness-Luke 12:15 Contentment

32. Forgive Offenders-Matthew 18:21-22 Forgiveness

33. Honor Marriage-Matthew 19:6 Loyalty

34. Be a Servant-Matthew 20:26-28 Availability

35. Be a House of Prayer-Matthew 21:13 Persuasiveness

36. Ask in Faith-Matthew 21:21-22 Patience

37. Bring in the Poor-Luke 14:12-14 Hospitality

38. Render to Caesar-Matthew 22:19-21 Gratefulness

39. Love the Lord-Matthew 22:37-38 Enthusiasm

40. Love Your Neighbor-Matthew 22:39 Gentleness

41. Await My Return-Matthew 24:42-44 Punctuality

42. Take, Eat, and Drink-Matthew 26:26-27 Thoroughness

43. Be Born Again-John 3:7 Security

44. Keep My Commandments-John 14:15 Diligence

45. Watch and Pray-Matthew 26:41 Endurance

46. Feed My Sheep-John 21:15-16 Dependability

47. Baptize My Disciples-Matthew 28:19 Cautiousness

48. Receive God's Power-Luke 24:49 Orderliness

49. Make Disciples-Matthew 28:20 Flexibility



Into Thy Word Ministries

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