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Baptism means a ceremonial cleansing and purification: a sign that tells God that we have repented and seek His forgiveness and desire to accept a new life.
We all need various kinds of possessions in order to live, such as food, housing, transportation, clothing, and such.
What is Worship? Part V

Real, sincere, God-exalting adoration must be the focus of worship in our daily walk with Him. It is also an imperative and covenantal call to have genuine, heartfelt, God-exalting reverence in the worship service.
This is God's plan because God loves us. So we must follow through with the principles of Scripture being lived out in our lives. Out of love, out of nurture, out of care, and not out of rules regulations and hatred.
Here is the Bible Reading Chart for using the Inductive Bible Study method. Here you can write down and record all of your observations, what your have learned, your questions, and even make a commitment on what you will do with the information from God's most precious Word!
Accountability may seem to go against our self-sufficient, individualistic mindsets and fear of conviction. Most cultures and individuals like to be "my own person," and thus do "my own thing." Most people do not like being told what to do or how to do it. But, we need godly people in our lives to do just that-with love and care. Thus, we have to learn to overcome our barriers of conviction so we can grow more in Christ and with one another.
It means to "cover" and to reconcile two opposing parties with an offering or gift that is sacrificial in nature.
The solution to worry is simple. Put Christ and His will first, everything else, secondary.
What is Worship? Part IV

We are to "Fear God." This means we are to reverence God as our Lord, not as an afterthought, when it is convenient or to regard as just as a "pal." This is a principle aspect of worship we must take seriously and heed.
What are 49 Ways to Love God and Others? The theme of all Scripture is to love God with all of our hearts and to love one another. (See Matthew 22:40 and John 13:34.)
Into Thy Word ÃÆ'Ã'¯Ã'Ã'¿Ã'Ã'½ 1978-2016