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God's Will Step V: Taking a Careful Look at our Options

By Dr. Richard J. Krejcir
God's wisdom is seen by His grace, which provides us a way out of our sinful nature, by the means of redemption. This was His choice, His decision, for His glory. God works by choosing us and then, God gives us the means to carry out His plan. In knowing God's Will, whatever decision or dilemma you face, relationships, money, career or whatever… you can rest assured that God has an example and advice for you to follow.

Taking a Careful Look at our Options

Being Wise!

In knowing God's Will, wisdom means choosing the best and noblest plan and then set our sights upon it and do what is appropriate and effective with the integrity and honesty to make it work.

Several books in God's Word are dedicated to teach us how to think and do things the best way-Wisdom Literature! Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Job, plus many passages throughout the Bible. These books provide us with clear, concise and practical living. The main point being is for us to fear our Lord. That is, not being scared what is under your bed or in some dark alley, but fear means being reverent and in awe of who God is. This is what worship is all about (Proverbs 1:7; 3:5-6; and 9:10).

Choose the people you take advice from very carefully! Do they exhibit the fruits of the Spirit? Gal 5 Are they prime examples of modeling Christ in all that they do? Do they have the experience to understand? Are they WISE?

God's wisdom is seen by His grace, which provides us a way out of our sinful nature, by the means of redemption. This was His choice, His decision, for His glory (Psalm 46:10). God works by choosing us (Psalm 104:24; Proverbs 3:19-20) and then, God gives us the means to carry out His plan (Psalm 145:13-16).

Whatever decision or dilemma you face, relationships, money, career or whatever… you can rest assured that God has an example and advice for you to follow. Now the Bible may not give you specific advice, such as what school to go to, or what city to live, or what kind of dog to get, but it will tell us how to make the choices!

Remember you can never make a mistake that will take you away from God's Love!

  • God will not force us into His plan and will, He will only gently guide us His way. It is up to us to respond. He has prepared it, are we willing to take it?

In knowing God's Will we are not to worry about making the wrong decision, life is sometimes about taking risks! Jim Kirk aboard the Starship Enterprise stated, "Risk is what we are about, that is why we are aboard her." So isn't this what our adventure of life is about? Enjoy it. Don't fret. You are not going to leave God's Sovereign Plan! "God is much bigger than our problems," says Larry the Cucumber, and Rom. 8:28 says, "we know that all things God works for the good of those who love Him…" Trust Him for He is able.

1. ROMANS 8:28-29 Do you love God with all your heart?

Then why do you worry?

Jesus is to be our center, the reason for our being! And if we keep placing Him first, then we become in God's will!

What about FLEECES?


Gideon WAS NOT seeking God's will, he already knew it! Gideon was only seeking confirmation of God's power. Very patiently God responds to Gideon's lack of Faith. We are not to bargain with God nor test Him; rather we are to trust Him with our whole hearts! GOD DOES NOT RESPOND TO MANIPULATION " God if you do this, then I.." NOT! Judges 6:36-40. But, God will confirm your decision, just be patient!

2. ISAIAH 61:3 What is the beauty in your life?

3. PHILIPPIANS 1:6 Does God have a specific plan for you?

4. ISAIAH 26: COLOSSIANS 3:15 Who is the umpire in your life?

One of the main questions that comes up in this section is, "Does God have a specific plan for me…" With all the years of study on this subject, and the scores of books and lectures, and teaching on this…I do not know! But I do know God guides us, and somehow we are enfolded into the tapestry of His grand scheme! But the exact way and specific plan in triplicate is a mixed bag. Most theologians are divided down the middle, whether there is a dogmatic (not to be confused with catmatic) plan or just a general area for us to be in. Numerous times I personally faced such decisions, like which church does God want me at, all three offers look good, or my biggest quest, who should I marry? Once I asked J. Vernon McGee, "How do I know the right woman I should marry?" He answered me, " just pick a nice girl, make sure she is a woman of faith." I went away even more confused, because I wanted more specifics. But over the years I learned the specifics are not important; it is our OBEDIENCE, TRUST, and FAITH that are!

All we can do is trust Him! Do our best to decipher from His Word, and take a look at creation and all its detail, from the microscopic, to the majestic sunsets. Our God is a God of detail, so He must have a specific plan maybe with several variables and choices for us to make, but it will all work out! Our God is a faithful God and He will complete the work in us!

5. ROMANS 14:5 Are you fully convicted in your mind, are you assured deep within yourself? Out of this assuredness will come the peace that God provides.

Q: What can you do to institute peace in your life?

Peace has two sources for us. Not the peace of the hippie era, or the peace between nations, rather the God given peace as described in Colossians 3:15. Peace can either come from the Lord, who fully convicts us to our very core, or it can come from just us, but this leads us down the wrong road. We must realize that self-centered peace will only last a short time and will not be very comfortable because if we want something bad enough, we will rationalize and convince ourselves of it but we will pay a price. So, we need to be wise and be aware of what is the true source of our peace. Is it God's precepts? Or, is it our own delusions?


§ If you specialize on being the kind of person God wants you to be, He will lead you in His way and path that He has planned for you.

§ God thinks about character as the prime will for our lives.

§ Once we decide to follow God's will, it is natural that the enemy will attack us and fear will crop up against us, but know this - God will empower you to overcome it.

§ It is God, and only God, who can do anything He wants.

§ It is our job to please God and not do whatever we want.

Jesus was focused on the Will of God as the cause; the effect was what He did for us. The focus on God was even more than us!


Struggling with your Options

Who does not struggle with the process of trying to find out what God's plan is for our lives? This is part of us growing and maturing in our faith. As a butterfly was once a caterpillar that struggled to get out of the cocoon; so, is our process in struggling. The butterfly's wings become developed and the fluid expands throughout it's body evenly and effectively enabling it to break out of the cocoon so it can take off and fly. If you cut a caterpillar out early it will not be able to fly, so it will slowly die of starvation.

Struggle is part of our condition to mold us and make us useable by God. This struggle comes from our fallen sinful nature that God turns around and uses it to glorify Himself and better ourselves. A life dedicated to serving Jesus Christ means that we are able to approach life's difficulties and excel at them. Remember that Jesus Himself was a human being that faced all the decisions and concerns that we do today. He may not have struggled with programming the VCR, but He wept, He laughed, and He went to the cross for us.

It is up to us to make something of it. Jesus says, "Yet not as I will, but as Your will." Matthew 26:39. Christ, Himself, struggled deeply on the plan that He knew that He must abide in, but He was obedient. Where would we be if He were not obedient? Jesus is our intercessor, God, and King. He knows our weaknesses, and He knows our temptations, yet He went through them without sin (Hebrews 4:15).

This section is about evaluating and examining the decisions you have to make. This is where we need to examine what our spiritual gifts are. Seeking what our natural abilities and talents are, and just simply seek where the best place is for us. If we look at these honestly and carefully, without prejudice, we will succeed beyond our dreams. The danger is when our own desires and inclinations get in the way and they just end up hurting us because they are just delusions of grandeur.

1. HEBREWS 4:16 What gives you confidence in directing your path?

2. PHILIPPIANS 2:12-14 Do you cooperate when God leads you?

Q: Are you willing to obey?

Q: Where do you need to work out or do your part?

Q: Are you paying attention to what doors and opportunities you have, which ones are open, which ones are closed?

Q: Do you know with confidence and assurance what your spiritual gifts are? Have they been confirmed? If not, you need to "work out" in this area.

3. I CORINTHIANS 12 God has given each of us at least one spiritual gift. Ponder this chapter and take an honest look of what your gifts and talents are. If you are stumped, ask yourself, "what do I enjoy doing in light of God's word?"

Q: What can you do to give your fullest potential to Christ our Lord?

Q: How can your talents be used to further His kingdom?

4. I CORINTHIANS 1:31 Who do you boast for?

5. ROMANS 12:4-18; I CORINTHIANS 12:4-27; EPHESIANS 4:4-16 Read these passages carefully and ask these following questions:

Q: What do you think your God given gifts are?

Q: What training and experience do you have in these gifts?

Q: What are your personality traits and what are you most comfortable doing? Example: Are you a people person?

Are you a loner? If you are a people person, you should work with people. If you are a loner, you probably should find something that does not involve working with people too much.

In knowing God's Will, our hearts are open to sincerely do God's will, He will show us. If you have any doubts about this, try journaling. Keep a daily or weekly journal and write down what goes on in your life, what you pray for and what you receive, what your ambitions are and how you have been glorifying God. After you have been doing this for several months and especially after several years and you go back through these journals, you will see how God has remarkably directed your path. Or, you will see the wrong paths and stupid decisions you have made. Usually, we see both, or at least I do.

Q: How have you seen God guide you in different circumstances?

Q: Have you experienced God changing the desires of your will?

6. 1 CORINTHIANS 10:31 What can you do to glorify God?

If you say to yourself, "If I follow God and be holy and wise, I will never get out and have any fun," but we need to realize our greatest fun is serving God's plan and purpose. Psalm 37:4

Q: When determining what you should do, ask yourself is it needed?

First and foremost, be in prayer. Whatever you are considering, consider your prayer life first. Luke 11:9

7. LUKE 11:9; PROVERBS 24:6 This passage means seeking information, are you doing this?


§ Again, prayer must be your first consideration and your driving force.


§ Most people just think wise counsel is good, but do not rely totally on just one aspect.


§ Safety in Proverbs literally means deliverance and victory.


§ If you are seeking out information, go to the best and most reliable source, that is do not ask your pastor for business advice unless he has been in business or do not ask your chemistry teacher for spiritual advice unless he is a spiritual man.


§ Seeking information does not rule out God's counsel. Proverbs 3:5 means do not support yourself on your own decisions.


§ You must take the initiative. This is a crucial aspect in doing God's will!

FOLLOWING THE LEAD OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Must have four prerequisites:

1. Is it consistent with the BIBLE?

2. Will it bring glory to God?

3. Has it been confirmed by Godly and mature people?

4. Will it be a blessing to others?

If just one of these prerequisites is omitted, then the source is not God!

This will allow you to see at a glance what are the advantages and potential problems you may have. I have found this very helpful over the years! As you list the options you will able to make informed decisions along with prayer!

Remember closed doors to us are just as an important leading as the open ones. We must remain in prayer and be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit, and not forcing our way in what we want. But go in life with a sensitivity and alert attitude while being patient!

Jesus promises that He will guide us with His Spirit (John 16:13)

We need to know that God's sovereignty is at work, and God cannot be stopped or frustrated, for He is always in control! This should give us an extraordinary amount of Trust in His Will!

The Christian faith is about trust, it's not about going through life blind; but with the ultimate guide-Christ -- there are no cheap shortcuts. It takes time and patience, a day by day surrender to His control. So give up the remote control of yourself to Christ!

§ When we surrender control to God, His purpose will come clear to us!

§ God wants us to effect those around us positively!

When the decisions are heavy, use the resource of a "PRO/CON" chart. Write down on a peace of paper the decision, and in two columns the advantages and disadvantages. Then ask yourself the questions previously mentioned in this section.


The decision will I go to USC or will I will go to UCLA



USC has a good program It does not havea CC group

UCLA will give me a scholarship It is far from home

USC has good academics I do not like all those bricks

and alumni support is too much money .....

UCLA is BlueI do not like Blue

Blah, blah, blah other blah, blah

§ Make sure you clarify what God has given you to do!

§ We need to allow God all the time He needs to work in us!

8. ACTS 16:6-10 We need to clarify what the Lord is about to do!

Remember the determined will of God is a reality; we must recognize it and yield. This is a great relief and comfort for God is in control! The Lord our God works all things together for good, Rom. 8:28; 11:33. So don't try to figure everything out. Relax and enjoy the ride, for your trust and comfort is…must be in the Lord!

For us to experience God's Will…well it's about obedience! Do you get it ??? This is how God accomplishes His work in us!

§ Ask God to confirm or refute your decisions!

§ To be in God's Will is for us to live by faith!

§ There are no shortcuts to being obedient to God's will!

§ A day by day submission to God's will must be met by our eagerness!

§ God does not give up on us, even when we make the wrong decisions!

§ God is in the business of second chances!

§ Affirmation comes from our obedience!

§ Make sure you CLARIFY!

§In knowing God's Will weneed to say, Lord I will follow you wherever you lead me, whatever you require, whatever you want, whatever the circumstances, I am your servant, I will go!


© 1994, 2001 R.J. Krejcir

Richard Joseph Krejcir, is the Director of 'Into Thy Word Ministries, 'a discipleing ministry. He is also a pastor, teacher, speaker is a graduate of Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena California and has amounted nearly 20 years of pastoral ministry experience mostly in youth ministry, including serving as a church growth consultant.

Into Thy Word ÃÆ'Ã'¯Ã'Ã'¿Ã'Ã'½ 1978-2016