Discipleship Curriculum

So, what can I do? Give Him the gifts, all of them, repentance, faith, mind, heart, witness, all from your real authentic Christianity...
Real authentic Christianity is formed in the crucible of our Spiritual Formation. It is our response to who and what Christ has done.
How is your spiritual growth going? Really? You are being healthy in your Spiritual Formation if there is an attitude of being a follower and a servant of Christ, His will is before yours...
The Slippery Slope

The slope upon which we slip into a Church of Perfidy is the hill of compromise, where we weaken our beliefs and doctrines, and fail to love.
When we are not properly lined up with His Cornerstone, we are betraying our Lord.
Is Christ Your Church's Living Stone?
God hates compromise and lack of faith! He wants us, as committed Christians, to place Him first and be proactive...
Avoiding the Life of Perfidy, a fun word to say, but in its tangible function, it is heinous, especially in a Christian's life or in a church.
We have to take the initiative in our spiritual formation. We must reach out and accept His Hand; allow Him lead you out.
Are you relying on yourself or God? How wholeheartedly really are you seeking after God? Perhaps what you need is...
Into Thy Word ÃÆ'Ã'¯Ã'Ã'¿Ã'Ã'½ 1978-2016